What If Planets and Stars Didn’t Have Gravity?

Gravity is one of the most important forces in the universe. It's what holds planets in orbit around stars, moons around planets, and keeps everything from floating away into space. But what would happen if planets and stars didn’t have gravity? Let’s explore this interesting scenario and see how the universe would change.

What If Planets and Stars Didn’t Have Gravity?

What Is Gravity?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward each other. The larger an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. For example, Earth’s gravity pulls everything towards its center, which is why we stay grounded and don’t float off into space. Similarly, the Sun’s gravity keeps Earth and the other planets in our solar system in orbit.

What Would Happen Without Gravity?

If planets and stars didn’t have gravity, everything in the universe would change dramatically. Let’s break down what would happen step by step.

1. Planets Would Disintegrate

Without gravity, planets would not be able to hold themselves together. Gravity is what keeps all the rocks, dust, and other materials that make up a planet bound together. Without it, these materials would just float apart. Earth, for example, would break up into millions of pieces, and these pieces would drift away into space. The same would happen to all the other planets in the solar system.

2. Stars Would Collapse

Stars are massive balls of gas, mostly hydrogen and helium, held together by gravity. The gravity of a star is so strong that it pulls the gas inwards, creating the high pressure and temperature needed for nuclear fusion, the process that powers stars. Without gravity, the gas that makes up stars would disperse into space. The Sun and all the other stars in the universe would simply fade away, leaving behind no light or heat.

3. Orbits Would Cease to Exist

Planets orbit stars because of the gravitational pull between them. If gravity didn’t exist, planets would no longer stay in orbit. Instead, they would move in straight lines, drifting away from their stars. Earth, for example, would fly off into the cold, dark reaches of space, far away from the Sun.

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4. Moons Would Drift Away

Just like planets orbit stars, moons orbit planets due to gravity. If gravity were to disappear, moons would no longer be held in orbit. They would drift away from their planets and travel aimlessly through space. Earth’s moon would no longer be visible in the night sky and would eventually move so far away that it would be lost in the vastness of space.

5. No More Tides on Earth

The gravitational pull of the Moon on Earth’s oceans causes the tides. Without gravity, there would be no more tides. The oceans would not rise and fall, and the natural rhythm of life in coastal areas would be disrupted. Marine animals that rely on tides for feeding or breeding would be affected, and the entire ecosystem could collapse.

6. Atmospheres Would Disappear

Gravity is what keeps a planet’s atmosphere in place. Earth’s atmosphere, for example, is held close to the planet by gravity, providing us with the air we breathe and protecting us from harmful radiation from space. Without gravity, the atmosphere would simply float away into space. Earth would lose its air, making it impossible for any living creature to survive.

7. No More Day and Night

The rotation of Earth on its axis, which gives us day and night, is influenced by gravity. Without gravity, Earth’s rotation could become erratic or stop altogether. This would mean that some parts of the planet would be in constant daylight while others would be in perpetual darkness, severely disrupting the natural cycle of life.

8. Temperature Extremes

Without gravity, Earth would drift away from the Sun. As it moved farther and farther away, the planet would get colder and colder. Eventually, it would become so cold that all the water on Earth would freeze, making it impossible for life as we know it to survive. On the other hand, if Earth moved too close to the Sun, the planet would become unbearably hot, evaporating all the water and making the planet uninhabitable.

9. Life Would Cease to Exist

All life on Earth depends on gravity. Gravity keeps water in our rivers and oceans, keeps our atmosphere in place, and helps plants grow by pulling their roots down into the soil. Without gravity, life as we know it would not be possible. Plants would not be able to grow, animals would not be able to move or find food, and humans would not be able to live without the air, water, and stable environment that gravity provides.

10. No More Solar System

Our solar system is held together by the Sun’s gravity. The Sun’s gravity keeps the planets in orbit, and the planets’ gravity keeps their moons in orbit. Without gravity, the solar system would fall apart. The planets and moons would drift away into space, and the Sun would fade away without its fuel. There would be no more solar system, and the vast emptiness of space would be even emptier.

11. The Universe Would Become Chaotic

Gravity is what gives structure to the universe. It’s the force that holds galaxies together, keeps stars in their place, and allows planets to form and orbit stars. Without gravity, the universe would become a chaotic place. Galaxies would break apart, stars would scatter, and planets would drift aimlessly through space. The ordered universe we know would be replaced by a chaotic, unstructured mess.


Gravity is an essential force in the universe. It’s what holds everything together and allows life to exist. Without gravity, planets and stars would disintegrate, orbits would cease, atmospheres would disappear, and life as we know it would come to an end. The universe would become a chaotic and lifeless place. This thought experiment shows just how important gravity is to the structure and functioning of the universe. It’s a force that we often take for granted, but without it, nothing would be the same.What if Space X successfully colonized Mars by 2030?

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